Latest Past Events

FOGO – Green Bin – Collection Starts

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What goes in the green bin? Your green bin is a FOGO bin. FOGO stands for ‘Food Organics and Garden Organics’. This means that your green bin collects both food and plant waste. The green bin collects food scraps and plant cuttings for recycling into compost and other soil improvers, making it easy for households to divert waste from landfill. Can all my food go in the green bin? Yes, all your food scraps …

Hoskins Memorial Uniting Church Parish Fete

Hoskins Uniting Church 43 Bridge St, Lithgow

Hoskins Memorial Uniting Church Parish Fete is our major fund-raising activity for the year, so come to the Parish Centre in Bridge Street from 9 am and enjoy an egg and bacon roll or sausage or steak sandwich breakfast. Maybe later, a Devonshire tea and sandwich, or coffee from the Buzz Café. Check out the …

Summer Harvest Day @ Eskbank House Community Heritage Garden

Eskbank House Museum Corner Inch and Bennett St, Lithgow

The Community Heritage Garden Team shares the produce from Mary’s Garden with the community. In the school holidays come to the museum to pick your own vegetables and help prepare for the next season’s planting. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Thursday 18 January 2024 Drop-in anytime from 11.30am to 3pm


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